Spiritual Seedlings

Blessed Tomorrow

July 31st, 2023

Do you think churches are becoming irrelevant? I hear this a lot. I know that many people find other things to do on Sunday morning. But me, I still believe. My church, my faith journey helps me so much to respond the challenges in our often difficult and changing world.

One thing I’m very concerned about is climate change. I think this is one of the biggest things on God’s agenda, too. What is more important than protecting this amazing environment on which we all depend for life? I want to tell you about a religious organization working on this, the very relevant and awesome Blessed Tomorrow.  

Blessed Tomorrow is a coalition of diverse religious partners united as faithful stewards of God´s creation. Their mission is to inspire action on one of the greatest moral challenges of our era: climate change. Through Blessed Tomorrow, faith leaders work to reach 100% clean energy, prepare for a changing climate, and engage their communities, while maintaining the distinct voices of their traditions. They are committed to EcoAmerica’s vision and mission.

They recruit and train Blessed Tomorrow Climate Ambassadors. My husband and I took their online four-hour Climate Ambassador training recently. Listening to their educational presentations, I loved learning that many people of faith are working to protect God’s creation. I’m grateful to this organization for building a network and equipping us with resources to speak out and take action.

We are working in our local church as climate ambassadors where we became a Creation Justice congregation last year. You can hear a little about what we’re doing on this video. Creation Justice at FBC. We are exploring things we can do in our individual lives, in our church, in our community and in our governments to build a Blessed Tomorrow.

Would you like to be a Blessed Tomorrow Climate Ambassador? Click here for a link to learn more. Blessed Tomorrow Ambassador Training.

Churches are not irrelevant and church people are doing important things. Join us!